Office: How to display a venn diagram with correct relations

Helfe beim Thema How to display a venn diagram with correct relations in Microsoft PowerPoint Hilfe um das Problem gemeinsam zu lösen; Hello, I try to create a venn diagram in power point. I do have the areas of the two circles as well as the area of the intersection between them... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft PowerPoint Hilfe" wurde erstellt von M.Scarn, 5. Juni 2023.

  1. M.Scarn Neuer User

    How to display a venn diagram with correct relations


    I try to create a venn diagram in power point. I do have the areas of the two circles as well as the area of the intersection between them (e.g. circle A is 10, circle B is 6 and intersection is 3 units). According to my knowledge, there is no way in ppt to insert this data in a table and get a venn diagram with the correct relations as a result. Is there a work around that I could use?

    I tried the venn diagram via smart arts. In my case it is not sufficient to drag the circles bigger. I need to display the relations of of the circles and intersections exactly.

    I appreciate every piece of help :)
    M.Scarn, 5. Juni 2023
  2. HKA
    HKA hat Ahnung
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How to display a venn diagram with correct relations

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